惊蛰至,万象新。在中国蓝海经济投资创业协会的视野里,这个节气不只是自然的苏醒,更是经济领域的新契机。如同春雷唤醒大地,新的投资机遇正破土而出。协会愿与各位同仁携手,在这充满希望的时节,敏锐捕捉市场动态,大胆开拓创新,在蓝海经济的浪潮中,奏响发展的强音,共创辉煌未来 。
When Jingzhe arrives, everything takes on a new look. In the perspective of China Ocean Economic Talented Entrepreneur Association , this solar term is not just the awakening of nature, but also a new opportunity in the economic field. Just as the spring thunder awakens the earth, new investment opportunities are emerging. The Association is willing to join hands with all its colleagues. In this season full of hope, we will keenly capture market dynamics, boldly explore and innovate. Amid the waves of the blue ocean economy, we will play a powerful melody of development and create a brilliant future together.
为海归服务|Committed To
为海归发声|Returnees' Assistance
致力于海归发展|Empowerment And Development.
让海归成为优秀的自己|Returnees: Be the Best You!
Image &Text:Yawen
Translator: Liu Jia
Final Reviewer: Zhang Qian