大寒至,暖春启:投资创业新征程 Great Cold Arrives, Warm Spring Kicks Off: A New Journey of Investment and Entrepreneurship

发布日期:2025-01-20 20:43:07   浏览量 :45
发布日期:2025-01-20 20:43:07  


Great Cold arrives, the cold winter is coming to an end, and a warm spring is on the horizon. At this time of transition between the old and the new, the China Ocean Economic Talented Entrepreneur Association joins hands with you. Looking back on our past struggles and looking forward to the future journey. May we, like new buds breaking through the soil, grow vigorously in the spring light and open a new chapter in investment and entrepreneurship in the new year.



大寒,英文名为Major Cold或Great Cold,在每年公历1月20日前后,太阳到达黄经300°时到来。它意味着天气寒冷到了极致,此时中国大部分地区迎来一年中最冷的时期,寒潮频繁南下,风力强劲,气温骤降,地面积雪不化。中国古人将大寒分为三候:一候鸡始乳;二候征鸟厉疾;三候水泽腹坚。同时,大寒也有吃糯米、喝鸡汤、尾牙祭等习俗。

Major Cold (or Great Cold) comes around January 20th of the Gregorian calendar every year when the sun reaches 300° of ecliptic longitude. It means the weather is extremely cold. At this time, most parts of China experience the coldest period of the year, with cold waves frequently moving southward, strong winds, sharp drops in temperature, and snow on the ground not melting. The ancient Chinese divided Major Cold into three pentads: in the first pentad, hens begin to hatch chicks; in the second pentad, hawks and falcons are fierce in hunting; in the third pentad, the ice in the middle of water bodies becomes extremely solid. Meanwhile, there are some customs during Major Cold, such as eating glutinous rice, drinking chicken soup and holding the Tail Tooth Festival.

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Image &Text:Yawen


Translator: Liu Jia

Final Reviewer: Zhang Qian

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